
Its been on my ToDo list. Ashley from FedEx once told me a story of a horrible drive from Patterson, Ca to the Bay Area. My gear-brain was translating her description of this intensely curvy road like a piece of heaven on earth type of road. So I added the task to drive from BA to Patterson via 130. Fortunately, I had made plans to go to EASY's Cars and Coffee and meet with some good P-friends. I met Jay H. in person, along with his wonderful and attentive wive Toni, her and Andrew got along just fine. I saw Koich for a brief moment before Andrew pulled me aside. Then there was SeaRenn,  a drive I could have joined. However, I decided to go towards Patterson and fulfill my dream of driving the mystical 130 curvy roads. 

First, we stopped for Lunch at Patterson, unique town center, some concentric layout. Had a good lunch there and headed down the wrong path to the Diablo Canyon Country Club. Beautiful open empty road, only to get to the end and find out 130 did not connect. So I head back, back to where I first saw a biker waiting on a small road that leads to Raines park. This road was my path, and what a path it is. Yes, a bit narrow, a bit rough, but fun enough to drive at a good pace. Andrew got dizzy or "windy" as he put it, and soon took a nap. 

Finally did drive 130 and itg was great.