Macan: Spare tire

Long story, as short as I can tell any of my stories...

Wife gets her Macan back after 2 weeks at the shop (rear ended/minor), she calls me and lets me know she got a flat. I let her know she could call Porsche and she did. Porsche sent a tow-truck to help her swap in the spare. The tow truck is not a Porsche tow truck, just a service hired by Porsche. And given it was rainy day... they were swamped. After 2 hours, she calls me (understandably) upset, the tow service would take another 45 mins... I decide to make a run for it... Back in Mexico I was able to swap tires in under 5 minutes... I drove 20 mins to get to her, hit the same curb as she did (it was submerged...) luckily my tire did not pop. Which is suprising given that mine are low profile vs high profile... m anyway I find the spare and swap it, well under 10 mins including finding the tools in our new car. Then it took me 15 mins to figure out this tire was deflated and it would pop up to be a full tire. Cancelled the tow and had my wife headed home a bit happier. Funny thing is, the wheel is red with yellow sticker and the car is blue, Koichiro coined it McDonald Wheel... and we guess the color is to avoid using the tire beyond the intended us of getting you to the shop...  Here it is